DSR029 // Antillectual - Together

"Together" describes the state of the world, the music industry, and our approach to this album. Current global problems can only be addressed together; Ukraine can’t defeat Putin on its own, nor can we beat climate change without worldwide support. And instead of being a Do It Yourself band we prefer the Do It Together approach. Without partners like independent labels, promoters, bookers, and of course the support of our audience we would be nowhere. That also goes for this release: we asked friends running labels, stores, and booking agencies to work on this album together. Without them, this album is going nowhere. And lastly: even though these songs were recorded in batches and some were released digitally, we wanted to put them together on a physical album.
Antillectual is Willem (vocals & guitar), Riekus (drums & vocals), and Ben (bass & vocals). Ben recorded tracks 1, 4, 8, 10 and Toon tracks 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9.
Credits for the creation of this record go out to Adrian from Mayleaf and Roos for pre-producing. Tim at Big Dog Recordings for recording and mixing [tracks 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10]; the same goes for Martin at Mailmen [for tracks 2, 5, 6]. Nico at XPZ Sound for mastering. Wendy at Big Dog for contributing guest vocals, and Ian The Punk Cellist for the beautiful cello parts. Thomas at Darkroast for the amazing album artwork and Done by Tjeerd Derkink for the back photo.